Developing and improving local roadways that meet the transportation needs of our growing communities is a prominent concern for KBA's clients. KBA understands that road construction has its own set of challenges, whether constructing a new road through timber, widening a quiet residential street, or reconstructing a heavily traveled arterial in a busy metropolitan area.

100th Ave NE
Client: City of Kirkland
Location: Kirkland, Washington
KBA is providing construction management and inspection services for this $24 million locally funded project to transform the 100th Avenue NE corridor into a safer, more efficient street for all traveling modes, including walking, driving, transit, and bicycle riding. In this first phase, the City is building separated sidewalks and elevated bicycle lanes along both sides of the corridor between NE 139th and 145th Streets. The first phase will also improve traffic flow by creating two additional vehicular lanes and optimizing 100th Avenue NE’s intersections with NE 139th and 145th Streets and Simonds Road.

East Marginal Way Corridor Improvements
Client: Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT)
Location: Seattle, Washington
2023 - Present
The East Marginal Way South Infrastructure Improvement Project, led by SDOT, aims to enhance safety and mobility along this major freight corridor. The project is divided into three phases: North, Central, and South Segments. The North Segment, currently underway, includes constructing a heavy haul street, a two-way protected bike lane, upgraded traffic signals, a rebuilt sidewalk, an earthquake-resistant water main, and a weigh-in-motion system for freight. This project will create a multimodal corridor that improves access for trucks and cyclists while upgrading critical infrastructure. Once completed, East Marginal Way South will be transformed into a modern, resilient transportation route benefiting both the local community and the regional economy.

Swift Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Orange Line
Client: Community Transit
Location: Lynnwood, Washington
2022 - Present
KBA is providing construction management and inspection services for a $33 million project to construct a new BRT Orange Line and update the existing Blue and Green Lines. The Orange Line will extend from Edmonds College in Lynnwood to McCollum Park in Everett, passing through Lynnwood, Snohomish County, and Mill Creek, and will connect with the Sound Transit Lynnwood Link Extension. The project includes building 16 new stations along the Orange Line, adding stations to the Blue Line, modifying existing stations on the Green and Blue Lines, and constructing new transit centers at Edmonds College and McCollum Park. Signal improvements will be made to enhance transit mobility along the corridor.

124th Avenue NE Corridor
Client: City of Bellevue
Location: Bellevue, Washington
2019 - Present
KBA provided construction management services in the BelRed area for the $13 million, quarter-mile first phase of widening 124th Avenue NE from NE Spring Boulevard to NE Ichigo Way. With a nine-month road closure to thru traffic, significant coordination with utilities, businesses, adjacent projects, and the public were required to keep business access open while progressing on contract work. The concurrent Sound Transit East Link work at the bridge site resulted in changing site conditions. KBA managed the multiple changes by cultivating great relationships with the contractor, design engineer, and the City of Bellevue.

Covington Connector
Client: City of Covington
Location: Covington, Washington
KBA provided construction management and inspection for both phases of the $25.4 million Covington Connector project. Phase I upgraded 204th Avenue SE from a two-lane residential street to a full-width arterial with medians, bike lanes, sidewalks, and a safer intersection at SR 516, including a lowered grade and traffic signal. Improvements included new water mains, underground utilities, storm drainage, street lighting, and nearly 300 trees. Phase II added two roundabouts, retaining walls, utility work, and paving to connect SR 18 and SR 516, paving the way for Covington’s future town center with apartments, restaurants, and a manmade lake. KBA managed 37 change orders and complex utility coordination, leveraging strong relationships with WSDOT, PSE, Comcast, and others to ensure project quality and efficiency, leading to the City’s satisfaction with the results.

Delridge Rapidride H Line
Client: City of Seattle
Location: Seattle, Washington
2020 - 2023
KBA provided constructability review during design and provided full construction management services for this $60 million project that constructed infrastructure for a Bus Rapid Transit network from the West Seattle Bridge to SW Henderson Street. Work included construction of RapidRide transit stops with shelters, tech pylons, lighting, ORCA readers, and amenities; addition of a southbound protected bike lane; and reconstruction of concrete pavement. Utility work included undergrounding City Light’s 26kV line including trenching, handholes and vaults, and electrical duct bank installation; water main and pressure reducing valve; sanitary sewer main; and storm drainage conveyance and water treatment vaults. The project included modifying 14 existing traffic signals, two new RRFB signals, and ITS infrastructure along Delridge Way SW.